IGNOU Passing Marks 2025: Complete Details, Direct Link, Check Score

IGNOU Passing Marks: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest distance learning universities in India. Annually, a large number of learners register for a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s, diploma, and certification programs. One of the most common concerns among students is the minimum passing marks required to clear IGNOU exams. This article provides a detailed breakdown of IGNOU passing marks, grading system, and frequently asked questions.

Overview of IGNOU Passing Marks 2024 – 2025

The minimum passing marks for IGNOU exams vary based on the course level and evaluation method. IGNOU evaluates students based on Term-End Exams (TEE), Assignments, and Practical Exams.

IGNOU Passing Marks Criteria

The table below provides an overview of the passing marks for different programs:

ProgramPassing Marks (Theory)Passing Marks (Assignments/Practical)
Bachelor’s Degree35%50%
Master’s Degree40%50%
Diploma/Certificate Courses35%50%
B.Ed & Other Professional Courses40%50%

Important Points to Note:

  1. Students must submit assignments before appearing for the Term-End Examination.
  2. Failure in assignments means the student has to resubmit them in the next session.
  3. Grace marks are sometimes provided based on IGNOU policies.

Understanding IGNOU passing marks is crucial for students preparing for exams. Make sure to submit assignments on time and focus on securing the minimum required marks in both theory and assignments. If you fail an exam, don’t worry—IGNOU provides multiple opportunities to improve your score and pass successfully.

IGNOU Grading System

IGNOU follows a grading system that evaluates student performance based on their marks.

Marks RangeGradeGrade Point
80% and aboveA5
60% – 79%B4
50% – 59%C3
40% – 49%D2
Below 40% (Fail)E1

IGNOU Assignment Passing Marks 2024 – 2025

Assignments play a crucial role in determining final marks. The minimum passing marks for assignments and practicals are 50% for all courses.

  • Assignments carry 30% weightage, while Term-End Exams hold 70% weightage.
  • Failing to submit assignments will result in a “Not Completed” (NC) status.
  • If students fail an assignment, they must rewrite and submit it in the next cycle.

What Happens if You Fail an IGNOU Exam

If a student fails in any Term-End Exam, they can:

  1. Take the examination again in the upcoming term.
  2. Retain assignment marks, as they remain valid for the program duration.
  3. Submit fresh assignments, if required, to improve grades.
  4. Check for grace marks eligibility, which IGNOU sometimes provides.

Steps to Check IGNOU Results Online

Students can follow these simple steps to check their IGNOU exam results:

  1. Visit the official IGNOU website
  2. Click on the “Student Support” section.
  3. Select “Results” and choose “Term-End Exam Results.”
  4. Enter Enrollment Number and click “Submit.”
  5. The result will be displayed on the screen.

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