RPSC RAS Result Release: Check the RPSC RAS exam result here.

RPSC RAS Result Release: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) conducts the Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) examination to recruit candidates for administrative positions in the state government. Candidates eagerly await the RPSC RAS exam results to know their selection status.

The RPSC RAS preliminary exam result has been announced today, February 20, 2025. The RPSC RAS exam was conducted on February 2, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and the official answer key was released on February 2 itself. Following this, the RPSC RAS exam result has been declared today, February 20, 2025.

RPSC RAS Result Release Overview

Recruitment RPSC RAS
Topic AboutResult Release Date
Exam DateFebruary 20, 2025.
Total Candidates Participated375,665 candidates participated in the exam.


Online applications for RPSC RAS were invited from September 19 to October 18, 2024, with 346 posts for state services and 387 posts for subordinate services. The RPSC RAS exam was conducted on February 2, 2025, for which 675,088 candidates applied, out of which 375,665 candidates participated in the exam.

Candidates have been eagerly waiting for the results since the RPSC RAS exam ended. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission had released the official answer key on February 2. Following this, the RPSC RAS preliminary exam results have been announced today, February 20, along with the category-wise cut-off.

Process to check RPSC RAS result

First, you need to visit the official website of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission, then click on the results option in the candidate information section, and then click on the link for the RAS prelims exam result 2025, which will open the PDF file of the result on your screen. Now the candidate should check their roll number in it, and the category-wise cut-off is also provided. You can also take a printout of it for safekeeping.

RPSC RAS Exam Result Stages

The RPSC RAS result is released in multiple stages:

Prelims ResultShortlisting for the Mains Exam based on the preliminary test scores.
Mains ResultSelection for the Interview round based on Mains performance.
Final Merit ListThe final selection of candidates after the interview stage.

Details Mentioned in RPSC RAS Result

The result will contain the following information:

  • Candidate’s Name
  • Roll Number
  • Category
  • Marks Obtained
  • Qualifying Status
  • Cut-off Marks

Expected Cut-off Marks

The expected cut-off marks vary each year based on factors such as the number of candidates, difficulty level, and vacancies.

CategoryExpected Cut-off (Prelims)
General95-105 marks
OBC90-100 marks
SC75-85 marks
ST70-80 marks

What to Do After RPSC RAS Result

  • Qualified for Mains: Start preparing for the next stage.
  • Not Qualified: Analyze weak areas and prepare for the next attempt.
  • Document Verification: Keep necessary documents ready if you clear all stages.

The RPSC RAS result is an important milestone for candidates aspiring for administrative positions in Rajasthan. Keep checking the official website for updates, and prepare accordingly for the next stages if you qualify.

Check the result of RPSC RAS Prelims Exam Click Here

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